Sermons from July 2018

Sermons from July 2018

Made to Multiply

God made us to multiply for good what he’s given us by grace. Discover what steps you might take to gain ground in the areas of life that matter most. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

First Love First

God is at the center of our good and good is at the heart of our God. Our lives are full when we see them as an expression of the goodness of God. The Chase ends when we love God first and best. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Walking Away from Our Achievement Culture

Our culture of achievement teaches us that we must perform and excel at something to find approval. But our achievements can leave us feeling empty when we rely on them for acceptance from others. How can we satisfy the desire to be accepted that lives deep down inside of us if personal achievement is not the solution? The Apostle Paul shares the answer to that in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 and 2 Corinthians 5:9.

Anxiety’s End

We all want stability: rhythm in our work life, freedom with our finances and harmony in our relationships. But there is always something that can come in and change all of that. How can we overcome anxiety when the world and our lives can be so unstable? Jesus answers that in Matthew 6:25-34.

Vive la résistance!

Contentment is the inward, gracious, quiet spirit that joyfully rests in the providence of God. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.