Sermons on God's Will (Page 4)

Sermons on God's Will (Page 4)

Holy Ground

We read in the Bible about people having remarkable encounters with God, like Moses and the burning bush. When, and where, and how are those kinds of experiences available to us? *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Made to Multiply

God made us to multiply for good what he’s given us by grace. Discover what steps you might take to gain ground in the areas of life that matter most. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Anxiety’s End

We all want stability: rhythm in our work life, freedom with our finances and harmony in our relationships. But there is always something that can come in and change all of that. How can we overcome anxiety when the world and our lives can be so unstable? Jesus answers that in Matthew 6:25-34.

Risky Business

Neighboring can be hard. And time-consuming. And scary. What does Jesus really expect from us? And can we really trust Him with the outcome? *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Unbreakable Comfort

Pastor John Nuxoll. 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Suffering is an unavoidable human problem. It comes to all of us. So how can we cope and help others to do the same? How can we find unbroken life in the midst of a very broken world? At the start of Paul’s letter 2 Corinthians Paul begins a lengthy praise to God that will show us how.

A Different Kind of Prophet

Don’t be dismayed by the size of the task. Don’t be discouraged by the sin of your past. Don’t give up, don’t give over, and don’t give in. And don’t let indifference keep you from making a difference. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Know Your When

Is there something bigger going on here? And if so, do I have a part in it? They are two of the most important questions a person can ever ask and answer. We believe the answer is an emphatic, “Yes,” and this message will explain why. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Know Your Where

How do we bridge the great divide between Sunday and Monday; between church life and work life? *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Know Your Who

Comparing ourselves to others keeps us from discovering and enjoying God’s call on our lives. Following the call means knowing who you are, and who your not. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Know Your Why

Why are you here – on planet Earth? In greater Boston? If there’s no answer to that question, we’re just marking time. There is an answer to that question, and it will take everything you do to a new level of meaning and impact. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Peace in the Unexpected

We find peace in the unexpected when we say “Yes” to God’s greater story for our lives and the world. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Peace in the Heartache

We experience peace in our heartache when we bring THAT (the world as it will be) into THIS (the world as it is). *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.